Wire Cutting

Machining- Low Speed Wire Cutting

Machining-Low Speed Wire Cutting

Low-speed wire cutting electromechanical wire with copper wire as a tool electrode, generally at a speed of less than 0.2m/s for one-way movement, copper wire and copper, steel or super-hard alloy and other processed materials between the application of 60 to 300V pulse voltage, and maintain a gap of 5 to 50um, the gap is full of disengaged subwater (close to Distilled water) and other insulating media, so that the electrode and the processed material between the spark discharge, and each other is consumed, corrosion, on the surface of the work piece electrocution out of countless small pits, through NC-controlled monitoring and control, servo implementation, so that this discharge phenomenon is uniform, so as to achieve the processing material is processed, making it a required size and shape accuracy of the product. At present, the accuracy can reach 0.001mm class, the surface quality is also close to the grinding level. Electrode wire discharge is no longer used, and the use of resistance-free anti-electrolyte power supply, generally with automatic wire wear and constant stress device. Smooth work, uniform, small jitter, high processing accuracy, good surface quality, but not suitable for processing large thickness work parts. Due to the high structure of the machine tool, high technical content, high machine tool prices, so the cost of use is also high. One-way wire electric spark wire cutting machine tools in the early days only foreign companies of the only organic species.

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