project management timeline

How to create a project management timeline

Project Timeline Management

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to creating your first project management timeline.

1. Set out your project scope

Before you create your timeline, you need to create your project scope. This is a document that outlines every deliverable that goes into completing your project. If you were running a bakery, your scope might read something along the lines of — “We want to bake buns, loaves, and cinnamon swirls.” That would be your scope.

2. Create a work breakdown struct

Once you’ve created your scope, you need to break those deliverables down into smaller chunks. We’re not quite at the task level yet — but this is one step closer. To go back to our bakery analogy, your WBS might read as follows:

  • 100 buns
  • 200 loaves
  • 300 cinnamon swirls

3. List your tasks

Now it’s time to go really granular. Think about each deliverable: what needs to happen to reach that goal? Make a list of each task and set them out in a table, like the one below.

  • 100 buns
  • 200 loaves
  • 300 cinnamon swirls
  • Measure flourBuy yeastWeigh sugar
    Mix dough… etcLine tins…etcMake frosting…etc

    4. Work out your project dependencies

    Dependences indicate which tasks can’t be started until others have been finished. For example, if you were making a cinnamon swirl, you won’t be able to add frosting until the swirl has been baked. Sometimes project dependencies are obvious, like this example — at other times, they’re a bit more complex.

    5. Work out timings and resources

    Every project is bound to three interrelated elements: time, cost, and scope — more commonly known as ‘triple constraint.’ As the project manager, you’ll need to estimate how long it’ll take to complete each task while taking resources and budget into account. First, assume a best-case scenario: Everyone is working at full speed, and no one is off sick. Then build in some buffer time — because hiccups inevitably happen.

    6. Work out your milestones

    Milestones are helpful for tracking progress and making sure your project’s running on time. If you fall behind, you’ll know sooner — which means you can take steps to catch up and stay on target.

    What are project milestones in project management?

    7. Create your project management timeline

    This is where all your hard work turns into something tangible — your project management timeline! Add all your tasks and subtasks to your Gantt chart, then add your start and finish dates, dependencies, and milestones. Finally, assign team members or groups to work on each task — and away you go!

    For more information about Project Timeline Management, you can check on PMI’s website

    How To Get Your Projects Managed On-Time?

    Entering the global manufacturing industry can be quite intimidating. But don’t let that stop you because you are so close to bringing your idea to life. At HIPOS Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd, we simplify managing your projects with our excellence. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions because we are always here for you. Our incredible team will help you on your journey from Concept to Reality so that you can be confident that you are providing the best product for your company.